
Leaders are Learners
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Tēnā koe ,

As the season turns and we soon head into the winter months, we've been encouraging the leaders we work with to think about themselves as learners. A natural response to the unprecedented challenges that leaders have faced in the last two years has been to focus on the immediate priorities and put the ‘extras’ on hold.

In the context of the ongoing disruption that is likely to define the leadership landscape for the foreseeable future, we believe it is time for leaders to re-focus on their own development and make time for learning.

Leaders are Learners

Whaiwhia te kete mātauranga
Fill the basket of knowledge
As leaders, questions to consider are:
  • What have you learned about good leadership from the last year's disruption?
  • Where are there gaps in your knowledge and skills?
  • How do you create opportunities to be a learner rather than the expert?
  • What learning have you put on hold?
  • What are the benefits for you to create more learning?
Matariki - public holiday 24 June
Aotearoa will celebrate Matariki as a public holiday for the first time in our history.
Matariki has traditionally been a time for learning and wananga. Can you make Matariki the start of some new learning for you? Here are some resources if you’d like to learn more about this important event:
Developing your bicultural awareness – Kia kaha!
Developing bicultural awareness and capability is now a requirement in the leadership landscape in Aotearoa.
Our friends at Tribe recruitment recently shared a video of Executive Recruiter David Hammond speaking about the importance of leaders being able to mihi and share their pepeha in the hiring process. We have also been teaching this in the Leaderful Career Camp programme, encouraging the women we work with to begin or extend their reo Māori journey.

View here.
Career development - now is the time

Most of us will have friends and family who have already handed in their resignation, are planning to or are actively searching for a new role. The Great Resignation, as it has been termed, is underway and showing no signs of abating. That makes career development for yourself and the women in your organisation a high priority.

Our experience with over 60 women in Career Camp has shown us that when organisations support their talented women to progress in their careers, they both benefit. The organisation benefits by retaining high performing women who share their career goals and actively seek out opportunities for career progression. The women benefit from a stronger sense of purpose and career direction and in many cases, achieve promotion and remuneration increases.

The fourth Career Camp is underway, and several participants have already made progress in their careers in a short time. We’re impressed with the commitment the women make to their learning and development and to supporting each other. Our programme is multi-dimensional with self-directed learning with interactive zoom workshops. A further benefit has been where participants tell us that some of their most powerful learning and insights come from each other.

Being in a peer learning community is a highlight of Career Camp. As many of us spend less time in the office, it’s easy to feel disconnected from colleagues and networks. Learning with others in a small group setting is a great way to get reconnected and feel supported by others.
We are taking enrolments for the next Career Camp starting 7 June (with eight places left), so please get in touch for yourself or the women in your organisation. We are always happy to have a chat to see if Career Camp is right for you.
Closing the gender pay gap
If you’d like to learn more about the gender pay gap in Aotearoa and find out which businesses are committed to publishing and reducing their pay gap, then check out the Mind the Gap campaign.

Mindthegap launched on International Women’s Day this year, and over 47 large employers have registered.

You can visit Mind the Gap here.
You can follow Mind The Gap on LinkedIn here.
Kōrero mai, get in touch

We love hearing from you, so please get in touch if you are looking for leadership and career development for yourself or the women in your organisation.

We offer:
  • Career Camp- small group learning programmes
  • Women and leadership development programmes customised for organisations
  • One on one coaching for women
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Ngā manaakitanga,

Jayne and Sue


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